

As today, decided to let ideas as it’s. Write, exterminate, draw, talk, forget… Concept of “letting” actually take its first shape by Steve Jobs. Mantra Jobs created was so precious that become my mantra because I couldn’t find any other outstanding one. Idea was simple, design a product that would be used by people who shape the world in its way. Einstein, Picasso, Hitchcock, Jim Henson, Muhammed Ali and many more.[1] Crazy ones in a way!


Then this thinking leave it’s into “people are me which had different events” mantra.

Recap of the cycle:

  1. Tell what you know as much as possible
  2. Teach knowledge to people that which can move their life
  3. Finding new people (making self able to continue it’s habits)
  4. Learning new niches (to be relevant again)
  5. Realizing the self (I’m more than that I ought to have)

and then; repeat or be out.


Let yourself. Let yourself to be understood, let yourself feel… let simply. Let yourself get lost. Let yourself be found. How will you be found if you are hiding?


Let emotions. It’s genuine. Let tears of cry. Let yourself see yourself. How many times have you really looked at the person in the mirror? What questions have you asked the person in the mirror? What does it do? What does it want? Try to answer questions about that person. Let the person. Let the emotions to change.


Let humanity. Let the talk. Don’t drive the conversation. Listen. Let person speaking, deep talk will derive itself. It’s let season!

„ The world will never realise how much it owes to them, and what they have suffered in order to bestow their gifts on it. We enjoy fine music, beautiful pictures, a thousand exquisite things, but we do not know what they cost those who wrought them in insomnia, tears, spasmodic laughter, urticaria, asthma, epilepsy, a terror of death which is worse than any of these, and which you perhaps have experienced, Madame,” he added with a smile at my grandmother, “for confess now, when I came, you were not feeling very confident. [2]

Firstly published on:


19:36 GMT

Second Revision:


08:02 GMT

[1] The Crazy Ones (Think Different) | 1997

[2] The Guermantes Way, 279-280, Marcel Proust

  • In French; „ Jamais le monde ne saura tout ce qu’il leur doit et surtout ce qu’eux ont souffert pour le lui donner. Nous goûtons les fines musiques, les beaux tableaux, mille délicatesses, mais nous ne savons pas ce qu’elles ont coûté, à ceux qui les inventèrent, d’insomnies, de pleurs, de rires spasmodiques, d’urticaires, d’asthmes, d’épilepsies, d’une angoisse de mourir qui est pire que tout cela, et que vous connaissez peut-être, Madame, ajouta-t-il en souriant à ma grand’mère, car, avouez-le, quand je suis venu, vous n’étiez pas très rassurée.
  • In Turkish: „Dünya kendilerine neler borçlu olduğunu, hele hele onların bütün bunları dünyaya verebilmek için ne acılar çektiğini, asla bilmeyecek. Güzel müziklerin, güzel resimlerin, binlerce inceliğin tadını çıkarırız, ama onları yaratanlara nelere mal olduğunu, ne uykusuzluklara, gözyaşlarına, ihtilaçlı gülmelere, kurdeşenlere, astımlara, sara nöbetlerine, hepsinden beter olan ölüm korkusuna mal olduğunu bilmeyiz; bu korkuyu belki siz de tanıyorsunuzdur hanımefendi, diye ekledi büyükanneme gülümseyerek; çünkü itiraf edin ki geldiğimde içiniz pek rahat değildi.“


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